Wednesday, October 24, 2018

#cat - #Will my cat try to seek shelter in other homes if too cold?

Will my cat try to seek shelter in other homes if too cold?

My cat has been gone for about two weeks now, I don't want to fear the worst and say shes dead but with recent weather it might just come to that. I live in Canada the Toronto area to be exact and around the ends of October the weather starts to settle in for winter. It's getting to the negatives around night now (-1 to 0) and its only going to be worse by Halloween. And I just wanted to ask if its possible my cat will become desperate enough and start meowing on door steps to be let in from the cold weather. Shes a Indoor Outdoor cat. I would let her out on my small porch for about 5-10 minutes at a time. She would always sit on the edge and enjoy the breeze. Long story short my mom closed the door on her on a warm afternoon while I was still in school and she my mom left for the shop. She must of got tired and started to adventure as shed done 2 or 3 times before. I just want to know if she would come to that point. Shes never really been friendly with strangers, she would just stare or hide in a little blanket fort I would build her in my room so she can stay comfy until the guests leave so that why I'm curious too if she would try to even attempt human contact. I hope someone answers, I just want her to be ok.

Submitted October 24, 2018 at 05:59PM by Chiibx
via reddit

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