Saturday, January 6, 2018

#cat - #Help with cat scratching

Help with cat scratching

Let me start by saying I know that a cat scratching is natural and all cats do it to some degree.
My cat seems to be needing/wanting to do it more recently. And he's destroying the carpet in my apartment (which I will have to pay for), scratching the mattress, the couch, etc. I've bought different scratching posts, brought home extra cardboard boxes (since he seems to love the ones I don't want him to scratch. Surprise! He doesn't give a shit about the ones i bring specifically for him), have tried to deter him with a spray bottle, covered the spot on the carpet with objects he can't move. I also tried the nail caps, which he just bit off. Nothing is helping because he continues to find new places in the carpet to tear or goes for the couch when I'm in the other room or not home.
Everything I've read says it's about territory for them, and I want to understand. The whole apartment is "his", he has free range of everything, including an entire bathroom that's his only. I have a vet appt Friday for his yearly checkup and I plan on discussing the possibility of having him declawed which I HATE thinking about doing because it's not nice but what else can I do?

Submitted January 06, 2018 at 09:28AM by fennyfare
via reddit

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