Saturday, January 6, 2018

#cat - #Need Cat Advice!

Need Cat Advice!

Hi Reddit, I need some advice regarding my adopted female cat. She is a calico who is around 2-3years old.

We adopted her from a shelter, so we don't know too much about her past. What we do know is that she loves humans and does not do well with other animals.

She is very clingy and requires a lot of attention which normally is not a problem for me since I love her so much.

However, we've had her for almost a year now, and we were thinking about introducing a new kitten into our lives to help her socialize more with her species and to give her a companion that can be with her 24/7; however, I don't know if this is smart as she gets very defensive around other animals.

Any input or advice?

Submitted January 06, 2018 at 02:23PM by L_UNA_B_ABY
via reddit

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